Our elders have worked tirelessly to select candidates that encompass the following attributes and live up to the following expectations.
The Elders will consist of those who will be ultimately responsible for the welfare and spiritual direction of The Well Church. They will direct matters of overall vision of the church, keep The Well Church’s Constitution and Bylaws spiritually attuned to where the Holy Spirit is leading The Well Church, devote themselves to keeping The Well Church theologically pure and culturally relevant, handle matters of church discipline, visitation of the sick when appropriate, teaching when appropriate, and be upholders of this church in prayer. Elders will have full authority to run the business affairs of The Well Church. The Elders will be responsible to confirm the budget, procure property, confirm and dismiss Pastors and staff, and make decisions regarding implementation of Vision, Mission, Core Values, and spiritual direction set by the Elders. They ultimately have all fiduciary, business, and legal authority in the decision-making of this organization. They will be in direct communication with the Pastor and staff with their decisions regarding theological directions, Vision, Mission, Core Values, and spiritual direction for The Well Church. There will be a minimum of 4 meetings per year, with special meetings as needed.
Qualifications for being an Elder
1. An attendee of The Well Church for at least 6 months.
2. A Member of The Well Church.
3. An active member of one of the ministries of The Well Church and a regular participant in public worship at The Well Church.
4. Displays a passion for the Vision, Mission, and Core Values of The Well Church.
5. Models an understanding that biblical leadership is to be a servant to those who are being led (Matt. 20:20-28).
6. At least 18 years of age who fulfills the following additional biblical qualifications for being an Elder (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).
The Elder must
1. Have a deep abiding faith in Christ, and be theologically astute (1 Tim. 3:9; Titus 1:9; 2:7-8)
2. Have demonstrated leadership and giftedness in ministry, and have a willingness to serve (1 Pet. 5:2-3).
3. Be spiritually mature, i.e., not a new believer (1 Tim. 3:6).
4. Be able to communicate biblical knowledge in the Elder’s specific area of ministry (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:9).
5. Possess a good reputation within and outside the church (1 Tim. 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-8).
6. Demonstrate self-control and appropriate biblical attitudes in relationships (1 Tim. 3:2-7; Titus 1:6-9).
7. Demonstrate a measure of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23).
**The following are our current Elder Candidates, nominated by our current elders. Over the next 20 days (leading up to our business meeting on Feb 2nd) you (our church family) can send any questions and concerns you have about these candidates to info@thewellchurchkeller.org. We will vote at our business meeting, on February 2nd and with a majority approval, we will offically welcome these candidates into eldership.
greg kirby
Greg and Sharon Kirby have been married for 41 years, have two great kids and 5 precious grandchildren all currently under the age of 5. Greg is originally from Rochester, MI (a suburb of Detroit). His family moved to Houston TX in 1974. After graduating high school in 1975 Greg attended the University of Houston on a Baseball scholarship. For graduate studies Greg attended the University of Texas at Austin where he earned his MBA and most importantly met Sharon. In 1985 Greg and Sharon moved to the Dallas area where Greg worked in public accounting for several years. Eventually he switched to the business side of healthcare where he stayed until retirement. In 2022 Greg and Sharon moved to Keller to be close to their daughter Kim who was expecting her first child.
Growing up Greg was raised in a “Casual Christian” environment, which meant his family attended church on Christmas eve and Easter, but rarely any other time. Greg continued this routine for several years after his marriage to Sharon. However, in 1998 after many years of Sharon’s positive influence and after witnessing his son Matt’s baptism, Greg accepted Christ and was baptized. In 2005 after attending other churches Greg and his family plugged into Irving Bible Church until they moved to Keller in 2022. That fall Greg and Sharon became members of The Well Church. They loved the size, friendliness and diversity of the church. Since becoming a member of The Well Church, Greg has served on the Hospitality Committee, the Finance Committee and occasionally in the Children’s ministry.
Corey Russell
Corey and his wife Julia have been married for over 25 years and have four daughters, ranging in age from 11 to 21. They have been at The Well for 3 ½ years, where they began attending when looking for a church that reflected their own diverse family. Corey grew up in Fort Worth and attended Abilene Christian University, where he completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Accounting. He is currently the Chief Financial Officer at Ram Products, Ltd.
Corey grew up going to church and accepted Jesus as his Savior and was baptized at the age of 12. In college, he had the opportunity to lead short-term mission trips and to be a counselor at a Christian summer camp which were formative in his Christian journey. Later in life, he’s had opportunities to teach Bible classes and co-led several Be the Bridge Groups with Julia on racial reconciliation. Corey currently leads the Finance Ministry at The Well.