"A Diverse Community Worshiping Jesus Together As One.”


Diversity is defined as colorful integration. As a church family, we desire to be a place where all people, no matter their ethnic background, socio economic status, age, or gender, can feel Loved, affirmed, represented, and celebrated. The Well seeks to elevate diversity by being intentional in the songs we sing, the faces of our leadership team, the issues we address in church, and throughout our community. Being a part of The Well means being sensitive and aware of these things, but it also means seeking ways that you can elevate diversity in your own life.


Community is defined as an experience between one another, in which all aspects of your lives are touching. Being a part of The Well family means being in community with other believers at The Well. A few ways to experience community include joining a small group, participating in our men’s and women’s gatherings, and attending special events after service.


Worship is defined as a lifestyle of satisfaction in the person and work of God through Jesus, expressed inwardly through head and heart, and outwardly through serving. Being a part of The Well family means engaging in worship both inwardly and outwardly. A few ways to engage outwardly include attending and participating in worship services, such as singing, praying, giving tithes and offerings, and serving.