Can you believe we are coming up on year 7? Well, the number 7 means a lot in scripture. Seven is the number of completion. God, after creating the world in 6 days rested on the seventh. The book of Leviticus also talks about how year seven was a time where people would be freed of their debt and the mercy of God would manifest. It was a year of Jubilee indeed.
In light of this, we will be celebrating our seventh anniversary ALL YEAR LONG!!!! Beginning with a special day of rest on Sunday, September 25th. There will be no church service on Sunday morning. That’s right, our children’s ministry, youth ministry, worship team, audio team, greeter team, security team…EVERYONE will get a day of rest. Sleep in! Relax! Take a load off!
But, join us that evening from 6-8pm for a special party! 🎈 🎉
We are calling this party the Jubilee Ball.
Come ready to eat, dance and celebrate the goodness of God in and through The Well.
A few things to know.
1.This is not open to the public. This is simply for the family and friends of The Well:)
2. Wear ALL WHITE.
3. We have a separate/ special event planned for the children of The Well (ages 6th grade and down) in the children’s ministry wing) during this time.
4. 7th grade and up will party with us.
5. Come ready to have a GOOD TIME!
6. Cost: FREE!!! *but we need to have an accurate head count so RSVP below.