Remembering Timothy Loy Prasavath


Timothy and I at lunch before he left for Laos.


Timothy in Laos wearing his Well T-Shirt

I just received word that Timothy passed away about an hour ago. He died of a stroke.

Timothy, (for those of you who may not know) was a member of our church for about a year and a half. He was from Laos, but moved to America 30 years ago after escaping his country due to war and famine. He fled to Thailand, and was brought to America by a Baptist Minister in Kansas.

Timothy, after becoming paralyzed moved to Keller, TX to live with one of his sisters. He fell into heavy drinking and drugs. One Sunday morning, God woke him up and told him he needed to go to church. Timothy,  grew up Buddhist, and everyone in his family is Buddhist. He started walking up Keller Haslet Rd, and stumbled upon The Well. God told him to give this church a try. He took the chance and walked into The Well, and never stopped coming. He told me on many occasions that "The Well was more of a family to him during this time then his biological family was."

Timothy and I talked on the phone and spent time together at least once a week while he lived here. Most of our conversations were about God, the bible, his childhood and his life. I would pick him up for church every Sunday morning. He loved getting there early to get a cup of coffee and have first picks of the donuts. 

Timothy asked me one day, if he could call me father. I said, "Timothy, you are older than me, why would you want to call me father?" His reply was, "Trey, you have taught me so much about who I am and who God is, that you are like a spiritual father to me." 

About one year ago, Timothy decided to lead America to visit Laos and see his family, against his family and doctors orders. When he was there (his sister said) he wore his "The Well" shirt every day, and would pray for everyone he saw and give them a dollar of his own money. She would ask him not to do that, but he said "It's my money, and I can do whatever I want with it."

When it was time for Timothy to return from this trip to Laos, Timothy had a stroke the night before his flight left. He was not found until the next day. As a result,  Timothy was unable to speak and was bedridden in Laos.  Alice and I would call him on occasion just to say hi and see his face. He was unable to talk due to his stroke, but the last time we spoke to him, he smiled and attempted to utter a few words.

I will forever remember Timothy and my life will forever be impacted by him. Praise the Lord that Timothy is with Jesus now, and he is walking, talking and worshipping his creator. 

Timothy Loy Prasavath | September 10th 1967 - March 25th 2020


-Whenever I came in the mornings to rehearse for worship, he always watched, listened and it was as if his spirit felt the words of the song and the beat play right through it. He always wore a smile while he was there.

-I remember the first day Timothy came to The Well. The band was setting up and getting ready to rehearse. We didn't know who he was, but we were happy that he was there. We were all a little surprised that someone who was visiting for the first time was there so early. I remember shaking his hand and letting him know what time service started, he was happy to wait. From that point on Timothy was there early every Sunday. He loved music, many Sunday's he would come up on stage while we were rehearsing and stand beside me and sing. His joy in the Lord was so evident. I will always remember how kind and friendly he was, he always greeted everyone with a smile and a big hug. He is greatly loved by his Well family! I am so thankful for the day that the Lord led him to the Well. The Lord knew the impact that the Well would have on Timothy, but He also knew how great of an impact that Timothy would have on our lives, we needed Timothy in our lives. Praising the Lord today for His great faithfulness, and that Timothy is now with his Savior. I look forward to the day when we can worship together again!

-Timothy had such a sweet humble spirit. So thankful for the time we had him in our life. Though disabled, he would often be seen trying to assist. He loved our grandchildren and they loved him. It was so sweet watching Hannah run to Say Hi to Timothy and give him a hug.

Rest now Timothy, until we see you again. (Freddie and Francine Walker)

-Timothy always came to church with a smile and a huge heart. He would make sure to always say hi to my wife and I. I would offer him a hug. He will be missed and loved by this church family and can’t wait to see him again in our fathers presence. (Michael and Aixa Bothel)

-This is heartbreaking news to me.  I would often speak with Timothy and he would tell me snippets of his life.  I remember one Sunday I looked over at him and saw that he had a jacket on, that was very worn.  The Lord reminded me, that I had purchased my father a leather jacket that he never wore and led me to give it to Timothy.  He was so proud and happy to receive it.  I also at times would take him home after church and would be blessed by his humble and grateful spirit.  He is now absent from his broken body, but present with the Lord.  😪(Diana Roney)

- Irene and I first met Timothy at The Well. When we first began to interact with him, it was mainly during the time when before beginning his message,Trey would ask everyone to go and greet someone they did not know. Timothy was very quiet and really did not say much. Over the next several months we would say hi to Tim and sometimes we would sit at the same table during the "after-party". Still, Tim was very quiet. This changed one day when as were leaving The Well after service, we noticed Tim walking on the side of the road. We stopped and asked if he needed a ride. At first he was reluctant,but we assured him it was not a bother at all. Once in the car, Tim told us about his love for The Well and for Pastor Trey. He told us that Trey picked him up every Sunday. He also shared that he had had a stroke while he was a truck driver, but he could not drive anymore. He shared a little about the troubles in his life and how now he felt that he has found God through The Well. Over time, we had the pleasure of giving Tim rides home a few times before he made the decision to return to Laos. Tim was just a very nice and humble man and we were blessed to be able to provide a small measure of help to him. Tim is truly at home now. (Ken and Irene)

-I remember how Timothy would always come and give me a big hug every Sunday. (Hannah Grant)

-I remember talking to Timothy every Sunday. He always remembered my name and smiled when he saw me. (Mason Grant)

- Such a sweet, sweet spirit. I did not know him well, but there was something about him that deeply touched my heart—and I thought of him often after he left the Well. He was rather shy when I first met him. Over time, he seemed more at ease, and his love for the Well was evident. I was so sad to hear of his passing, but know that he is now healed and whole in the presence of glory that I cannot even begin to imagine---and that makes him the more fortunate one. (Dorris Forstall)

-I met Timothy on my visit to Texas and he spoke very highly of the Well Church, and Pastor Trey. I am sure he is glory telling His story about how the Well made a difference in His life. (Albert Grant, Jr)

-My heart is heavy. Timothy was so faithful. When I think of him, I think of warmth and peace. He embodied these things. Rest well, friend. You are beloved!