
Saying “See you later” to Michael and Aixa Bothel


Michael and Aixa Bothel have been part of the family here at The Well almost since we started four and a half years ago. You can typically find them on Sundays serving on our greeter team. Michael also serves on our Executive Team, and just a few weeks ago Aixa stood before our entire church and shared her powerful life story which was an encouragement to us all.

With this being said, The Bothels will be moving to Florida over the next few weeks, and as excited as we are to see Aixa be closer to many members of her family and Michael grow in his professional career, we are also very sad to see them go.

Typically, we would have a “going away party” for them and lay hands on them at the end of service, sending them off with love, encouragement, prayer and a well cooked meal. However, due to the current times, we are using this page to show our love to this sweet family.

Share your most memorable experience with The Bothels below.


Trey and Alice Grant— Alice and I have many fond memories of The Bothels, but our top two favorite would have to be meeting up with them in Maryland (at Tim and Autumns wedding). We picked them up at their hotel and went to breakfast. At breakfast we laughed and talked for hours. We learned more about them ( and I think them about us) then we had in the 4+ years that we knew each other. The second would have to be when they invited Alice and I to their dance studio lesson. We learned how to mamba that day. We also got a chance to see Michael and Aixa show off their amazing dancing skills. We ️love The Bothels and though we are excited about their future, we are super sad to see them go.

Freddie and Francine—My heart dropped when I found out they were moving! Such a dear loving couple who always sat near us at church and give wonderful smiles, hugs and encouraging words. Michael’s gift of sign language has me mesmerized. He is so sincere with it. I will miss him and Aixa’s sweet smile. So happy to have met and known you. Enjoy your new digs! Stay in touch! Love you! 


Kevin and Deitra Baker— Michael and Axia are two of the sweetest people you will ever meet. I first remember meeting Axia as she kindly welcomed and checked in all of the children and families to Well House Kids. She always served with a smile and one of the biggest servant hearts. Then I remember meeting Michael, and seeing them work together. I always thought they were an amazing team! I love the way Michael and Axia love and compliment each other, and others so well. They are also amazing chefs! They will be missed.

Tim and Autumn Ryan— We loved getting to know The Bothel's through our table group and wish them all the best in their next chapter! Their friendship and example of how to have a godly marriage greatly impacted us and we were overjoyed to have them be a part of our wedding ceremony. This isn't goodbye, just see you later :)

Allan, Larenda and AJ Ross— Michael and Axia our family will be praying for your traveling grace and ease of passage! Aixa you have always welcomed me at church with a big smile and a warm hug! Your energy is so endearing. Wishing you guys nothing but all the greatness God has to offer in your next chapter!!! Ciao! Allan & Larenda, AJ Ross

DJ and Arin Dixon— We are so thankful to know you Michael and Axia. Your joy is contagious, your testimonies are powerful and your service to others is humbling. We wish you nothing but the best in this chapter. May God continue to bless you! Keep in touch!

Serial and Vanetta Kenerson— Aixa and Michael, your beauriful, welcoming smiles will truly be missed. You exemplify a loving, christian couple.Thank you for all of your support and encouraging words over the past few years! May God bless and keep you as you transition to a new season of your life. We regret that you are leaving the family, but you will be a blessing wherever you go. Love you all!!!

Diana Roney— This is such a loss for The Well Family. I will miss both of your smiles and hugs. You both have been faithful and loving servants of the Lord and you will be missed immensely. There is no doubt you will be a blessing wherever you go. I pray for God's direction and his protection for your life. Enjoy your next chapter!


From the Bothels